
首里城の正殿内部を見学 Touring the inside of Main Hall of Shuri castle





The interior of the main hall, the tour courses have been prepared, and is capable of tour beautiful decoration and painting, crafts, and the like.

Throne successive Ryukyu king was sitting, gold is being used in abundance, and a really gorgeous, whether the Ryukyu Kingdom was indeed rich, suggests.

Kingdom Shohashi was built, which lasted until Shotoku King of 7 generations, to meet the coup of a man named Kanamaru was the senior statesman in 1462, he had been chased by the seat of power.

After that, until it is arranged by the Meiji government, this Kanemaru of offspring, so that crowns the Ryukyu Kingdom as the second Shohashi.

(Translated by Google Translate)

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