
沖縄県平和祈念資料館で沖縄の近現代史を学ぶ Learned Okinawa's modean age at Okinawa Prefectural Peace Memorial Museum








Okinawa Prefectural Peace Memorial Museum is in the grounds of the vast Peace Memorial Park.

Here, the end of the Pacific War, landed the US military, and cornered the Japanese army to resist, finally finished the organized resistance by the Japanese army, is also the region a lot of people at the same time lost their lives.

Around the Museum, there is often also a television and the like are aired, fire of peace, also, such as Okinawa National cemetery for war dead.

The Museum is, seems to Okinawa, vermilion of roof tiles is in the large building of the impressive two-storey, second floor is in the main exhibition room.

Image Previous this museum to visit is entirely, but was wondering whether facility to introduce the contents of the Battle of Okinawa in World War II, was actually different.

Beginning in the Ryukyu disposal after the Meiji Restoration, Modern Japan under the control of Okinawa, and memories of the war, state of the post-war under American occupation, such as have also been introduced.

Rather than a Memorial Museum has become the exhibition content to say Modern History Museum of Okinawa, and any time.

(Translated by Google Translate)

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